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Rustic Beach Path


I've made every relationship mistake in the book

Anxiously grasping at my first boyfriend and then pulling away if I suspected for a moment he didn't care for me anymore. Getting caught in a cycle of emotional abuse by another boyfriend for years. Developing a co-dependent relationship with my ex-husband.


My love life was a disaster from the time I was a teenager to my mid-30s. Oscillating between seeing problems where there were none and ignoring major red flags, I had no sense of what a secure relationship really felt like.


And then I met Dave.


Knowing that this is a huge, barf-inducing cliché, I'll say it anyway: he is who I had been looking for all my life. 


Our early days were unbelievably connecting. I was nourished and enlivened by him in a way that felt like a fairy tale. I remember saying to him, "I didn't know you could exist!" 


And then the Honeymoon Phase ended.


I was absolutely prepared for this, but I was not prepared for how it would test me, force me to confront things about myself that I did not like, and challenge me to step up and show up in a whole new way.


Our Triggered Phase brought up just about every relationship mistake he and I had ever made, every trauma, every attachment wound, every "I'm not good enough" belief. No stone was left unturned in our disconnection, confusion, and fear.


And we're both grateful for the work we had to do to get where we are now. 


I am passionate about ushering other couples through their early dating days. To me, romantic love holds incredible power in our lives. That partnership amplifies energy that can be used to change the world for the better.


When I'm not empowering couples to create extraordinary relationships, you can find me at the CrossFit gym, hiking in the White Mountains, or reading great fiction.

Coach Rachel and her partner, Dave are sitting on a cliffside, facing away from the camera. They are wearing hiking clothes and looking at each other. Below them are green mountain sides and above is a sunny sky with one white cloud.


  • ​CreativeMind Certified Jungian Life Coach 

  • Mindset Rx'd Coaching Certification L1 and L2

  • Driven Mind Certification


  • Coached hundreds of men and women since 2019

  • CreativeMind Mentor Coach

  • Vagus Nerve Masterclass w/ Jessica Maguire

  • Embodied Imagination Course w/ Robert Boznak

READY TO FIND the love of your life?

Dave smooches Rachel's cheek on the Franconia Ridge in the White Mountains.

Cassi D, MA

"I have had the joy and privilege of being coached by Rachel for years now, and to say that I have grown in ways I never imagined in our time together is just the beginning.
Working with Rachel has given me confidence in assessing challenging situations, a better understanding of how to effectively communicate, and a toolbox to rely on to know that I have what it takes to navigate along the way.


Over the years together, Rachel has grounded me, pushed me and supported me in every conversation that we've had together.  Having a coach that is so genuinely open hearted, talented and clear is an incredible find. "

Ali P, MA

"I quite literally credit my mindset training with Rachel for changing my life.

Working with Rachel changed how I saw myself, allowed me to set and manage my feelings and expectations, and move on from a period of my life where I felt stuck and stagnant both professionally and in the gym. I was stuck in a negative spiral --

I quit a job I wasn’t happy with and found a new one that was so much more fulfilling. I also found myself approaching other aspects of my life with a more positive, growth mindset -- work, hobbies, personal relationships -- and I'm so grateful that I was able to work with Rachel."

Jess L, AZ

"The amount of growth I have experienced is truly worthy of applause. 


Rachel is a great listener and helped me dig deeper into shadow work and finding the why behind some of the stories I tell myself so I could reshape my views.  So allowed me to be vulnerable without judgement.  She helped me set short term and long term goals for the future and we revisited them quite often so I am proud to say I have accomplished a lot of them. 


She is a wealth of knowledge and is ready to recommend a podcast or book and she will continue to push and ask why."

Orange Dahlia

"Rachel is a rare blend of confidence in her craft and genuine realness. She has a gift of seeing where people are capable of heading and she doesn't rush, push, or shame to get them there any faster than they're meant to go. Rachel pulls more out of her clients than they think they have by asking thoughtful questions and giving considered, personalized guidance -- with not a whiff of the predictable cliches many are used to." 

Jill F, MA

Emotional Hotness

This is my self-paced, online course collection for people who are not willing to settle for so-so relationships. This course covers everything from effective conflict resolution, dealing with triggers, and having lasting, enlivening conversations for years.

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